
Nghệ An: Many shrimp ponds are flooded

Shrimp ponds are flooded in Nghi Lộc district of Nghệ An province due to heavy rain. Shrimp were washed away, leaving a damage of millions of dong after just one night.

Heavy rain in days has badly flooded seafood farming areas in Nghi Lộc district of Nghệ An province. Shrimp farmers are seriously suffering. Heavy rain made the water in ponds rise quickly, flooding shrimp ponds, washing shrimp away and killing the rest of them.

Even though shrimp are small in some ponds, farmers are harvesting them to sell so as to earn some money, or else shrimp will die.

Farmer Nguyễn Hồng Minh in Khánh Hợp commune of Nghi Lộc district are promptly harvesting shrimp to sell traders. Shrimp have been stocked for nearly four months and growed up to the size of 50-55 pcs/kg. Such size was sold at 170,000-180,000 dong/kg once; however, those shrimp are just sold at 145,000 dong/kg.

Minh seems lucky to earn some money while others witness their ponds being flooded and shrimp being washed away. Farmer Trần Văn Hợp, born in 1976, is one of the most suffering households in Khánh Hợp commune of Nghi Lộc district.

Due to hearvy rain, water started to rise quickly at night of November 24 and at dawn of November 25, thus till 3a.m of the same day his five shrimp ponds, 1.3 ha in total, were flooded. Most of the shrimp were flushed in the current and the rest were shocked to death due to sudden changes in the environment. The damage was estimated to reach 500 million dong.

Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng, Vice Chairman of People’s Committee of Khánh Hợp commune of Nghi Lộc district, said that the commune há over 40ha of shrimp farms. The heavy rain has flooded local shrimp ponds. About 5ha of shrimp ponds are ready for harvest, thus, farmers can earn some money, or else shrimp will die.


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