Expand on-sand shrimp culture in “Korea” commune
Cương Gián (Nghi Xuân, Hà Tĩnh) is now named “Korea” commune as there are many local people sent to Korea to work. In addition, Cương Gián is famous for on-sand shrimp culture.
Song Long is the largest area of intensive aquaculture cultivation in Cương Gián commune. There are hundreds of shrimp rearing ponds wiselyinvested by advanced pond liners.
Director of Thái Minh Thùy cooperative Hoàng Văn Thái says that over two hectares are divided into six growing ponds and four in-pond raceway. Post larvae are reared in in-pond raceway for around one month before transferred to growing ponds when they are in good health.
Sun shade netting for healthy growth of post larvae
For healthy growth of post larvae, the cooperative build sun shade netting, and follows the process of pond improvement, caring and disease prevention. The most important rule in shrimp farming is to strictly follow the process of feeding time and feed volume, says Thái.
Besides Thái Minh Thùy cooperative, Song Long has six households owning nearly 15 hectares of intensive aquaculture cultivation applied with pond-liner.
Võ Châu Trọng, Director of Thông Thuận Seafood JSC, said “The coastline of Cương Gián is suitable for high tech shrimp farming, we thus built a shrimp hatchery center in 2014 in this place. The center is 6.8 hectare large, annually supplieshundreds of high quality post larvae to middle provinces. Besides, the company is focusing on rearing high quality shrimp”.
Not only are there large-scale intensive shrimp farming companies, but Cương Gián also has more than thirty households working with extensive shrimp farming. The commune is getting total 60.4 hectares of aquaculture area, mostly in Song Long and Đại Đồng.

Vice Chairman of Cương Gián People’s committee Lê Duy Linh said that: “Besides exploitation, we have recognized aquaculture as the key to local economic development. In the last five years, some waste land has been made high tech shrimp farming area, helping local people with stable job and increased income.
Countless post larvae, crab, clam, and fishes are farmed in Cương Gián in the first six months, producing nearly 70 tons of all kinds which are 122% higher than the same period last year and accounts 55.8% of the 2018 plan.