
Benefits of cold water Lai Châu: Solid fish cultivating, high economy sturgeon cultivating

In spite of the fact that it is a boundary precipitous area, Phong Thổ (Lai Châu region) is leaned toward commonly many cool water sources. This is a potential for the locale to take advantage of and create, hydroponics, particularly chilly water fish cultivating to serve the market interest.

In the beyond 3 years, the Phong Thổ area has been referred to by many individuals as a spot to raise cold-water fish like salmon, flavorful sturgeon, firm and fragrant meat. These are fish of high financial worth. By and large, every kilogram of sturgeon and salmon offered to the market goes from 170-240 thousand VND.

We visited the sturgeon cultivating space of ​​Mr. Sung A Phong’s family (in Sin Suối Hổ town, Sin Suối Hổ cooperative). Right now, he is occupied with crafted by building more salmon tanks.

Subsequent to resting for some time, Mr. Phong trusted: “previously, I saw individuals in Chu Va town (Tam Đường locale) exploit cold water to raise salmon and sturgeon for big-time salary. At the point when I went on a field trip, contrasted and the nearby water source, it was practically something similar, the water was exceptionally cool (around 18oC), so I thought of the plan to have a go at raising sturgeon …”.

Toward the start of 2020, Mr. Phong acquired VND 150 million from the bank to fabricate a tank with a space of ​​​​about 100 m2; put resources into water pipelines from the opening to the tank. Then I went to find out with regards to salmon consideration and cultivating experience of individuals and cooperatives in Sa Pa (Lào Cai territory), Chu Va town (Tam Đường region), and imported sturgeon breeds there.

Consistently, he takes care of the fish with the right dinner, with the right portion and kind of brand routinely clean the tank; change water ceaselessly, establishing a spotless climate for fish to develop. After over 1 year of dealing with fish, from the start of the year as of recently, he has sold in excess of 200 million VND.

Presently, in Mr. Phong’s tank, there is more than 1 quintal of salmon going to be sold. Seeing that the benefits of sturgeon are high, the resulting market is likewise steady, he is building 2 additional tanks, around 100 m2 each to raise salmon; keep on raising new ages of sturgeon.

It is realized that in Phong Tho locale, there are numerous units, cooperatives, and individuals who are raising sturgeon and salmon, for example, chilly water fish cultivating endeavor of Economic – Defense Union 356; Phong Thổ upland rural agreeable (Tung Qua Lìn collective); cold-water fish cultivating space of ​​Vàng Ma Chải Border Guard Station (Pa Vây Sử community); Dương Yến Cooperative (Phong Thổ town); families in Sin Suối Hồ community.

As per the sharing of Mr. Vuong The Man – Chairman of Phong Thổ District People’s Committee, in the field of fisheries, the area has a large number and benefits in cool water fish cultivating. At present, the locale coordinates the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to organize with the specialists of collectives and towns nearby to survey and plan regions where cold-water fish can be raised.

The region empowers and makes good conditions for individuals nearby to take advantage of the capability of cold water fish cultivating; grow the region, duplicate the quantity of rearing groups. The specific offices arrange to help families wishing to bring cold water fish up in procedures for fish care and illness counteraction; track down hints to supply quality fish fingerlings.

The locale approaches units and organizations to relate and devour cold-water fish items. Support cooperatives to foster virus water fish items under the OCOP program (one item for each community program).

Through research, we know, at present, in the Phong Thổ area, there are 3 cold-water fish items that meet the 3-star OCOP standard of Dương Yến Cooperative, which are: Dương Yến salmon stock, Dương Yến salmon filet, sturgeon cut Dương Yến.

Since having the brand, the agreeable’s items have been advanced on interpersonal organizations, media channels, fairs, and meetings. On account of that, more individuals come and request more. Right now, raising salmon and sturgeon with a space of ​​500m2 (the normal result of the north of 20 tons each year) joined with eatery business; selling OCOP items, the unit’s income is more than 3 billion VND/year.

Neighborhood specialists of cooperatives and towns in the Phong Thổ region additionally urge individuals to revamp lakes and lakes, effectively foster hydroponics and fishery toward market products rather than independence as in the past.

Ms. Hoang Thi Sang (in Man 1 town, Nậm Xe community) shared: My better half and I come from a cultivating family. Thusly, exploiting the family’s sloping area, in 2015, my better half and I burrowed in excess of 100 m2 of lakes to raise fish, everything being equal: tilapia, carp, and carp to acquire more pay. Consistently, I slice bananas and hack them to make fish food, joined with corn wheat, and cassava. Because of that, every year, as well as serving the family’s food needs, my significant other and I sold almost 30 million VND; have extra pay to cover everyday costs, bringing up kids to study.

It is realized that the entire Phong Thổ locale has a space of ​​43 hectares of hydroponics, of which, 667 families take part in lake fish cultivating; 35 virus water aquariums of families, units, and cooperatives with a complete tank volume of 3,587 m3. From the start of the year up to this point, the complete creation of hydroponics and fishing is assessed at almost 100 tons (cold-water fish is assessed at 35 tons).

Trust that, in the coming time, the Phong Thổ region (Lai Châu area) will keep on taking advantage of the possibility to foster fisheries, particularly cool water fish cultivation. It does not just make occupations for rustic specialists, expands salaries for individuals; yet in addition, certifies its own image for the locale with farming results of high monetary worth.

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