
Ben Tre: Focus on developing 1.5 thousand hectares of hi-tech shrimp farming

According to Resolution No. 04-NQ/TU dated January 29, 2021, of the Provincial Party Committee on the development of the province towards the East in the period of 2021 – 2025 and a vision to 2030, Thanh Phu district (Ben Tre province) focuses on developing 1,500 ha of high-tech shrimp farming (CNC).

The district is determined to work with Ba Tri and Binh Dai districts to achieve 4,000ha of CNC shrimp farming by 2025. Currently, the district is mobilizing farmers to switch from farming, exploiting, and processing aquatic products by traditional methods to industry. CNC applications.

Investing in hi-tech shrimp farming infrastructure

The whole district has a stable aquaculture area of ​​18,400 ha. In which, the area of ​​shrimp farming in the direction of application of 2, 3 stages, high-tech shrimp farming model is about 800 ha, concentrated in communes: Thanh Hai, Thanh Phong, Giao Thanh, An Dien, An Nhon, An Qui, An Thuan, An Thanh, My An. The average yield is about 70 tons/ha of water surface.

In the period 2021 – 2023, the district will deploy high-tech shrimp farming areas that are convenient in terms of available infrastructure, with an area of ​​​​940ha. In the period 2023 – 2025, the district will maintain a farming area of ​​940ha in the above regions. At the same time, the district has developed at least 560 hectares of high-tech shrimp farming. In this phase 2, the district focuses on investing in upgrading transport, electricity, and irrigation infrastructure in farming areas.

According to the Head of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the district Le Van Tien, the current state of infrastructure of the 5 planned shrimp farming areas in the district has basic transportation and irrigation routes. However, to create favorable conditions for the development of farming areas, it is necessary to upgrade 13 3-phase medium voltage power lines, 14 traffic routes, dig new, and dredge 22 irrigation canals to ensure production. Total investment is expected to be more than 2,850 billion VND with many capital sources. In the period 2022 – 2023, the district will focus on potential farming areas in communes such as Giao Thanh, Thanh Phong, Thanh Hai, and An Dien.

In order to effectively implement the plan to develop 1,500 hectares of hi-tech shrimp farming, the district will coordinate with the Sub-Department of Fisheries to review and re-plan the farming areas and aquaculture areas with conditions for high-tech production and application to bring the high-tech shrimp culture to life. in the district land use planning for the period of 2021 – 2030, integrated into the planning of the province’s aquaculture areas. Focus on reorganizing production, cooperating, and linking with businesses and commercial banks to support model building, technical transfer training, and the value chain of shrimp farming.

Reorganize production in the direction of cooperation, linking small-scale farming households into a farming model with the lowest farm size or household size from 2 to 10 hectares to build a large-scale concentrated raw material area, create investment linkage with enterprises supplying input materials, and consuming output products. Striving to 2025, the district establishes at least 1 cooperative with revenue of 100 billion dongs; 5 production cooperation groups in 5 concentrated farming areas operate effectively. The rate of value of shrimp products produced according to GAP, ASC standards… is over 60%. 100% of organizations and individuals raising hi-tech shrimp have registered for the issuance of pond codes in accordance with the Law on Fisheries. 50% of shrimp farming households join cooperative groups and cooperatives with value chain links to stabilize inputs and outputs, meeting standards for export.

Forming a shrimp value chain

Secretary of Thanh Phu District Party Committee Chau Van Binh said: Developing 1,500 hectares of CNC shrimp farming is one of 11 key projects and projects of the district, in order to implement the Resolution of the 12th district Party Congress, the task. period 2020 – 2025. This is a major policy, contributing to the restructuring of the aquaculture industry, towards the formation and development of concentrated production areas associated with value chain building and development of the aquatic product processing industry. district property. Therefore, the district needs the consent and joint implementation of the people and businesses.

“There is a great need for mobilization and synchronization of both the political system and related parties. Which, Thanh Phu needs attention and support, continues to invest synchronously in infrastructure: traffic, electricity, water, telecommunications; participation in consultancy on science and technology transfer as well as seed quality and nutrition; the arrangement to participate in providing credit capital from the banking system as well as actively participating in an investment, transforming the production model of the people…”, Secretary of the District Party Committee Chau Van Binh emphasized.

In particular, the participation in investment, cooperation, and association of businesses in consulting on technology transfer from seed, and nutrition to output product consumption as well as the participation in the development of the processing industry towards forming a shrimp value chain for synchronization. The district is focusing on launching the emulation movement “Good production and business, solidarity to help each other get rich”. Typical examples, leading to the development of CNC shrimp farming such as Mr. Dang Van Bay, Ms. Phan Thi My Linh, Mr. Le Van Sam… have proven the practicality and correctness of the policy of developing shrimp farming. CNC of the province, as well as of the district.

“The activities of the Billionaire Farmer’s Club in Thanh Phu district have created motivation, instilled confidence, and aspiration of the people. From this club, the district will continue to facilitate support and orientation to soon establish the district’s CNC shrimp cooperative. This will be the district’s first CNC shrimp farming cooperative whose members are pioneers in CNC shrimp farming.”

(Secretary of Thanh Phu District Party Committee Chau Van Binh)


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