AquacultureMarine fish

QuảngNinh: Urge improve of larvae quality and marine aquaculture technology

QuảngNinh is working with research institutes and associations to evaluate quality of marine aquaculture, then build an effective marine aquaculture program to prevent environment pollution.

Deputy Head of Quảng Ninh provincial Sub-department of Fisheries says that the province has more than 21,000 hectares on aquaculture, over 16,000 hectares of which are brackish water farms. Majority of farmed products includes industrial and semi-industrial white leg shrimps, extensive shrimps, fishes, and mollusks.

Quảng Ninh is known by mollusk products which are farmed in 4,000 hectares. Pacific oysters, which have been cultivated for ten years, are now main species of local farmers with annual yield up to 20,000 tons. Such marine oysters grow up quickly to large size. However, their growth cycle has been longer in the last two years due to high density of stocking and poor quality of larvae.

Under this circumstance, Quảng Ninh provincial Sub-department of Fisheries worked with Research Institute for Aquaculture no.1 under Department of Agriculture and Rural Developmentso that the Institute makes another selection of oysterlarvae and supplies localfacilities. This is the program of larvae quality improvement in combination with new rural development.

As for shrimp, Quảng Ninh tends to build a shrimp development program upon the development plan of shrimp sector by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The province has more than 4,000 hectares on white leg shrimps with industrial and semi-industrial practices in Móng Cái, Đầm Hà, and Quảng Yên. There was once three-stage shrimp practice with yield up to 180 tons/ha/year.

CP Group has developed a project worth 500 billion dong to produce white leg shrimp larvae and built a super-intensive shrimp farm with production outcomes of 150-300 tons/ha/year. N.G Việt Nam Company invested more than 1,200 billion donginto larvae production and high technology in shrimp culture on 450 hectare land.

As for marine fish, the province develops a plan and cooperates with Vietnam Marine Aquaculture Association to produce an industrial marine aquaculture program, then install Norway cages for offshore farming. Phúc Quang is setting up a project of investing into 60-hectare offshore zone where special fishes will be raised with production outcomes reaching hundreds of tons in the first years. Research Institute for Aquaculture no.1 will transfer technology of cage installation and culture with fishes being farmed by industrial feed to prevent pollution and enable traceability.

Quảng Ninh provincial Sub-department of Fisheries is working with Marine Aquaculture Association to re-evaluate the environment loading capacity, opportunities, and potential so that industrial culture in offshore zone will be developed and inshore farms be reduced, attracting potential investors with offshore projects.


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