
Export of live mud crab and swimming crab in Jan and Feb rose by fourfold y-o-y.

In the first two months of this year, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore increased imports of live mud crab and swimming crab from Vietnam, making the total export turnover of live crab and swimming crab of Vietnam rise by more than four times y-o-y, reaching $11.3 million.

Mud crab is one of the high-value economic products, often cultivated alongside shrimp and fish by farmers in Cà Mau. The export of live mud  crab and swimming crab to Hong Kong surged by 2.2 times, reaching over $1.6 million in the past two months, accounting for 14% of Vietnam’s total exports of live mud crab and swimming crab.

China is the main market of live mud crab and swimming crab from Vietnam, accounting for 82% of the total export value, with the highest growth rate being recorded, nearly six times compared to the same period last year, reaching over $9.2 billion USD, mainly live mud crab.

Despite such a modest turnover, sales of live mud crab to Singapore rose by fivefold from the same period last year, giving Singapore the third position of importing  Vietnamese live mud crab after China and Hong Kong.

In February alone, Vietnam’s export of live mud crab and swimming crab reached nearly $10 million USD, as demand for live products increased in the run-up to Tet holiday in China and other Asian countries.

In the first two months of this year, Vietnam achieved $33.7 million USD from exporting mud crab, swimming crab, and other crustaceans, nearly double compared to the same period last year. Of which, crab exports reached $24.6 million USD, doubling, while swimming crab exports reached $8.8 million USD, up 53%, with the remainder being other crustaceans. Live  mud crab and swimming crab products alone accounted for one-third with $11.3 million worth.

In addition, Vietnam also exports frozen mud crab and swimming crab, ground crab, canned swimming crab, crab legs, snow crab meat, snow crab cluster, etc., to markets such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.


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