AquacultureMarine fishNews

Ninh Bình sets a target of 31,400 tons from marine culture in 2030

Ninh Bình’s fisheries sector sets a target of having 1,820ha of marine culture and producing an output of 31,400 tons of seafood 2030.

The Ninh Bình People’s Committee has just issued the Plan of deploying the Project of marine aquaculture development by 2030, vision to 2045.

The Plan focuses on promoting the potential and advantages so as to develop the marine aquaculture in the direction of commodity production, industrial farming, synchronization, safety, effectiveness, sustainability and ecosystem protection so that products will be trademarked, meeting the market demand, boost the marine economy, and help farmers raise income.

Besides, the Plan involves a specific target by 2025 in which the total marine aquaculture area must reach 1,750ha, the output from marine aquaculture must be 29,700 tons. Accordingly, the mollusk farming area will reach 1,365ha with an output of 28,600 tons; the number of green crab broodstocks will be 4.5 million, the clam broodstocks will be 90 billion, and the oyster broodstocks will be 15 billion.

The marine aquaculture area will reach 1,820ha by 2030, producing as many as 31,400 tons of seafood. The mollusk farming area will reach 1,415ha, producing 30,000 tons. The number of green crab broodstocks will be 5 million, the clam broodstocks will be 100 billion, and the oyster broodstocks will be 20 billion.

Ninh Bình maps out a vision of marine aquaculture up to 2045 with modern management methods, playing an important role in the province’s fisheries and contributing to food and nutrition security and social security assurance.


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