
Approximately 680 fishermen adopt eCDT VN for seafood traceability

The eCDT VN system is improving state management over fishing fleets and catch volumes, while also streamlining the process for fishermen to report and unload their seafood at ports.

Boosting management efficiency

Kien Giang is among the first three provinces in Vietnam where the Fisheries Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and the eCDT VN project advisory team have introduced training and guidance for fishermen on using the eCDT VN software. This initiative is designed to enhance state management efficiency in the fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The Kien Giang Provincial People’s Committee has rolled out a plan to implement the eCDT VN system, providing necessary facilities, equipment, and personnel to support boat owners and captains. The rollout is expected to be completed by October 2024, with an allocated budget of nearly 700 million VND.

By using the eCDT VN system, state agencies can better monitor fishing fleets and local landings, even when boats unload at ports in different provinces. This system also helps raise awareness among fishermen and businesses about adhering to IUU fishing regulations.

Convenience for fishermen

Kien Giang, which boasts the largest fishing fleet in Vietnam with over 3,600 offshore vessels, is expected to achieve a seafood production of around 435,000 tons in 2024. This results in a significant number of boats arriving at ports and unloading seafood, particularly at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development-designated ports of Tac Cau and An Thoi.

After more than four months of implementing the eCDT VN system, 679 boat owners in Kien Giang have registered eCDT VN accounts. According to the Kien Giang Fisheries Sub-department, there have been 820 vessel departures and 232 vessel arrivals reported through the system. At Tac Cau port (Chau Thanh district), 620 fishing vessels have set up eCDT VN accounts, with 676 departures and 162 arrivals recorded. At An Thoi port (Phu Quoc City), 77 fishing vessels have registered eCDT VN accounts.

Ngo Van Lam, Director of the Kien Giang Fishing Port Management Board, reported that the unit has issued 24 seafood unloading receipts through the eCDT VN system, covering over 104.5 tons, and 10 seafood origin certificates (SC) for more than 54 tons. Additionally, one origin certificate for harvested seafood (CC) was provided to a company for 1.4 tons of product.

Lam noted, “The eCDT VN software facilitates quick processing of vessel departures and arrivals, and simplifies the verification and certification of production for businesses. For the Fishing Port Management Board, this software reduces the time required for certification, efficiently managing the process of fishing vessels’ departures and arrivals after each voyage.”

For seafood processing and export businesses, the eCDT VN system will shorten the time needed for certification, improve transparency, and simplify traceability of raw materials. Companies can quickly provide necessary documentation to importers or inspection teams, enhancing efficiency and compliance.


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