
Vietnamese consumers increasingly value transparency in seafood products

A notable 84.6% of Vietnamese consumers prioritize seafood products with clear and transparent origins, significantly surpassing the global average of 71%.

A recent study by the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) found that 84.6% of Vietnamese consumers place importance on the traceability of seafood products, a number much higher than the global average of 71%.

This indicates a rising demand for transparency among Vietnamese consumers, reinforcing Vietnam’s leadership in driving transformative trends within the global seafood industry.

As consumer awareness grows, the urgency for transparency throughout the supply chain becomes more pronounced. To keep pace with this shift, Vietnam’s seafood industry is rapidly embracing digital technologies to improve traceability, minimize environmental impact, meet heightened consumer expectations, and comply with stricter regulations.

According to the latest NSC report, advancements in technology are poised to reshape the entire value chain, allowing Vietnam’s seafood industry to grow more efficiently, sustainably, and with a stronger focus on the consumer.

In addition to the need for product transparency, sustainability has also emerged as a key factor influencing the purchasing decisions of Vietnamese consumers. Approximately 82.2% of consumers in Vietnam prefer seafood products that are sustainably sourced.

This trend is reflected in the impressive growth of Norwegian seafood exports to Vietnam. In the first half of 2024, Norwegian seafood exports to Vietnam reached 32,744 tons, valued at nearly USD 120 million, a 13% increase in volume and a 12% increase in value compared to the same period last year.

Åshild Nakken, Regional Director for Southeast Asia at NSC, commented: “In Vietnam, companies are increasingly adopting new technologies to meet the growing demand for transparency and sustainability. Digital transformation in the seafood sector enables Vietnamese consumers to access high-quality, sustainable seafood while supporting industry growth and enhancing global competitiveness.”

Vietnamese retailers are leading the charge in the digital revolution, utilizing technology to boost productivity and improve the customer experience.

Cutting-edge tools like artificial intelligence (AI) help analyze consumer behavior, forecast demand, and streamline inventory management. This allows retailers to optimize supply chains and offer personalized services.

Some forward-thinking retailers are taking it a step further, using algorithms to guide product development and fine-tune pricing strategies.

Additionally, several pioneering businesses are creating hybrid “phygital” shopping experiences, blending physical and digital realms to provide consumers with innovative and convenient shopping options.


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