
Processed tuna exports experienced a 29% increase

Vietnam raked in roughly US$302 million from exporting tuna during the past four months of the year, up 22% on-year, according to statistics released by the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

Specifically, processed and canned tuna export turnover increased from US$91 million in 2020 to US$154 million this year, equivalent to a 70% rise.

April alone saw exports of processed and canned tuna enjoy a rise of 29% to reach nearly US$87 million on-year.

Vietnamese tuna products were exported to more than 90 markets, of which major markets such as the United States, the EU, Israel, Canada, Japan, and Mexico all experienced rapid growth.

Most notably, exports to the US, EU, Russia, the Republic of Korea, Japan, and Mexico all posted sharp rises of 37%, 71%, 32%, 158%, 33%, and 43%, respectively.

Meanwhile, exports of fresh and frozen tuna were unstable. After reaching a peak in 2022, exports of this product group saw a downward trajectory. During the four-month period, the export of these products edged up by only 6% against the same period from last year.

Experts revealed that the tuna industry continues to face a number of challenges, including a shortage of raw materials and the EU’s new market regulations. However, convenience is a key factor for consumers, meaning the demand for processed and canned tuna products will increase in the near future, they emphasized.


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