
Removing the “yellow card” for IUU: No excuse, No explanation

To lift the ‘yellow card’ for IUU by this September according to Directive 32, we must be even more determined.

Addressing IUU fishing violations

A meeting to discuss solutions for controlling fishing vessels docking in and out, and enforcing laws to handle IUU fishing violations was held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) on June 25 in Hanoi.

Nguyen Quang Hung, Director of the Fisheries Surveillance Department, stated that after nearly seven years of efforts to remove the “yellow card” warning from the European Commission (EC), significant progress has been made in combating IUU fishing.

However, the control and management of fishing vessels entering and exiting ports, along with the enforcement of laws and handling of IUU fishing violations, have not been truly effective. Issues include the incomplete registration and licensing of fishing vessels, installation of vessel monitoring system (VMS) equipment, and unresolved “3 no” fishing boats (unregistered, unlicensed, and unmanaged).

Tightening management of fishing vessel documentation

Colonel Duong The Vo, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Border Guard Command, reported that recently, Border Guard forces at control stations have strictly inspected and monitored fishing vessels’ entry and exit, ensuring that 100% of fishing vessels going to sea have complete documentation and technical safety equipment as required.

All fishing vessels with lengths of 6 meters or more have been listed and monitored, especially those at high risk of violating foreign waters.

“In reality, when fishing vessels enter and exit border control stations, they meet all the necessary procedures, documentation, technical safety equipment, and VMS operates normally. However, when operating at sea and being inspected by functional forces, they are often found lacking the required documentation and equipment. They also deactivate or remove VMS devices and transfer them to other vessels to illegally fish in foreign waters or fish in unauthorized areas, Vo added.

Major General Le Van Phuc stated that to remove the “yellow card” for IUU in the near future, violations must be strictly handled; border guard stations along the coast must increase patrol frequency, inspections, and control of fishing vessels entering and exiting ports; and cooperation between functional forces and localities should be enhanced.

Deputy Minister Tien confirmed: “There are still many urgent issues that need to be resolved from now until September when the EC Inspection Team arrives. If we can make positive changes, we might be able to lift the yellow card.”

He noted that the Secretariat had issued Directive 32, the Government had released Resolution 52, and the Prime Minister had also issued numerous directives and a series of official notices. Recently, Resolution 04, guiding the criminal handling of illegal fishing and trading of aquatic products, will take effect from August 1. All actions will be reviewed under criminal law and criminal procedure law. “If we strictly implement management and monitoring of the fleet, we will see positive changes.”

“To remove the ‘yellow card’ for IUU by this September according to Directive 32, we must be even more determined. We know it is challenging, but there is no excuse, no explanation; we have only one path, as this is a very critical time,” Tien emphasized.


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