
Quang Ninh: Takes decisive action against illegal fishing to remove EC’s ‘yellow card’

In an ongoing effort to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and remove the European Commission's 'yellow card,' Quang Ninh Province has made this mission a top priority.

Crackdown on non-compliant fishing vessels

The Quang Ninh Provincial People’s Committee has intensified its crackdown on fishing vessels that are unregistered, unlicensed, or lack inspections. This effort is part of a broader initiative to enhance the management of fisheries in the region. Authorities are conducting regular inspections and imposing strict penalties on those violating the Fisheries Law and IUU regulations in coastal areas. Vessel owners and captains face the highest penalties for illegal activities, including unregistered vessels, failure to install mandatory monitoring devices, and vessels with lost signals at sea.

According to Do Dinh Minh, Director of the Fisheries Sub-Department, the installation of monitoring systems on offshore vessels is crucial for tracking fishing activities. “This is a mandatory regulation that the province is vigorously enforcing to address the European Commission’s concerns about IUU fishing in Quang Ninh,” Minh stated.

Since 2018, local authorities have identified 9,393 violations, resulting in over VND 61 billion in fines. They have also confiscated and destroyed 46 illegal fishing vessels and equipment, such as electric shock devices, trawl nets, and ghost nets. Additionally, they have prevented 469 foreign fishing vessels and rafts from violating territorial waters and illegally harvesting seafood.

Pushing forward to lift the EC’s ‘yellow card’

On August 22, a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), led by Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien, visited Quang Ninh to assess the progress in combating IUU fishing.

In response to the EC’s recommendations, the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee issued a series of directives, including a resolution, an action plan, and two specialized directives, to drive corrective actions. The Provincial People’s Committee established a high-level IUU Steering Committee, led by the Vice Chairman responsible for agriculture, and issued 130 documents to guide and direct relevant departments and localities in implementing anti-IUU measures.

The province’s focus includes completing vessel registration and inspection, issuing safety and food safety certifications, updating Vnfishbase data, conducting intensified patrols, and strictly handling IUU-violating vessels. Local Party leaders, government officials, and relevant units are held accountable for addressing the EC’s ‘yellow card’ warning.

The EU has outlined four key recommendations for Vietnam’s seafood industry: strengthening the legal framework, managing and controlling fishing vessels, ensuring traceability of seafood, and enforcing the law. Quang Ninh has made substantial progress in addressing these areas.

Specifically, the Provincial People’s Committee has issued 13 documents related to the management and oversight of fishing vessels, handling violations, protecting aquatic resources, and establishing inspection points for vessels and seafood volume monitoring.

Quang Ninh, home to 5,556 fishing vessels, has focused on addressing the EC’s concerns to help remove the ‘yellow card.’ Over 4,247 vessels longer than 6 meters have been updated in the Vnfishbase system; 100% of vessels over 15 meters long have installed monitoring devices (245 vessels); and 100% of vessels between 12 and 15 meters have signed food safety commitments.

Vu Van Dien, Standing Vice Chairman of the Quang Ninh Provincial People’s Committee, acknowledged some challenges in combating IUU fishing but emphasized the province’s commitment to addressing these issues and quickly lifting the EC’s ‘yellow card.’

Deputy Minister of MARD Phung Duc Tien commended Quang Ninh for its strong efforts in fighting IUU fishing.


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